Startup Refugees

Elisa Vepsalainen_C.png

Elisa Vepsalainen.


The Problem

Refugees are unable to utilise their existing professional skills or educational backgrounds. Newcomers of working age end up wasting 3 to 6 years outside of the labour market and therefore on the outskirts of society, leading to passivity and loss of hope. Nordic countries are quickly losing the economic potential of newcomers, whilst labour shortage is growing in several fields and the lack of workforce is preventing the growth of companies.  

The Solution

Startup Refugees seeks to find out the professional skills and experience of refugees and matches these with relevant local network members to create jobs and new businesses. Startup Refugees was founded in Finland and consists of 500 partners, including companies, government officials, NGOs, universities, congregations, research institutes, communities and individuals, that support newcomers to start businesses and enter the Finnish labour market. 

The Impact

Startup Refugees mapped out over 2,300 refugees’ skillsets and professional goals in 11 Finnish cities. The results enabled them to provide employment and entrepreneurship support without causing difficulties for the staff in the reception centres of the Finnish Employment Agency. With the support of their network of over 500 companies, communities and individuals, they have offered 585 jobs, provided 3,500 opportunities in education and skills development (business workshops, courses, profession specific networking events etc.) and supported 60 newcomers to start their own businesses. 

It is not only a question of making a living, even though that’s important too. The job is a way for finding a place in a society, but also a big driver for self-respect.