Maria Minas
The Problem
Migrants and local communities lack support for integration, which often leads to segregation and feelings of isolation. Additionally, decision-makers use language that refers to integration as the sole responsibility of migrants. They have a limited understanding of how to foster integration and this stands in the way of successful integration processes.
The Solution
ComParte is an initiative that invites citizen participation. It develops participatory methodologies with users of different infrastructures – refugees in the integration system and students in the education system – and brings them together with decision-making entities. ComParte invites refugees in Portugal to reflect on their reception and integration in the Portuguese community and to contribute with proposals and ideas to improve it. It brings refugees together with public and private entities that can take decisions on a larger scale. Through its process, involved communities have a real and direct impact on the existing systems in place.
The Impact
ComParte has impact on three different levels: the individual, the relational and systemic change. On an individual level, the project has helped refugees gain confidence and improve communication skills. The project fostered better collaboration between communities and decision-makers, emphasising the relevance of a horizontal approach. On a macro-level, the project has gained insight about the situation of refugees and influenced social policies to be more closely aligned with their needs. This has also provided decision-makers with access to innovative solutions of refugees, such as increased support during the transition from the refugee centre to new accommodation.
“We need to seed an idea... and let it grow. I think that’s what we’re doing. I think we did it.”
“The way you facilitated this meeting was frankly stimulating and innovative, which made it very productive and enriching. I appreciate this opportunity, and we will certainly have more chances to collaborate in the future.”