ACAF / Winkomun

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Jean Claude Rodriguez (Fellow) and Abdoulaye Fall (CEO) 

Founded by Ashoka Fellow, Jean Claude Rodriguez 

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The Problem

Refugees and new migrants are often excluded from the financial structures that allow them to fully integrate into their new community.

The Solution

ACAF is a cooperative organisation with the goal of fighting financial and social exclusion by creating and supporting self-financing communities. ACAF works with self-sustaining financial groups led by immigrants to promote networking and support their basic financial needs. These communities are small groups in which the partners – normally between 10 and 30 people – can participate through small contributions. ACAF’s proven efficient methodology is Winkomun; a solution that is expanding throughout Spain and to other European countries with low income and migrant population. 

The Impact

Winkomun has expanded to 7 European countries and created a free online platform to allow anyone from around the world to access their methodology and set up a worldwide network of self-funded communities. The methodology is now in use in more than 15 countries in 4 continents, with more than 500 groups benefiting over 9,000 people directly and over 32,000 people indirectly.

As an economic migrant, my life trajectory would never be this successful without my Self-Funded Community. It provided me with a network of support that alleviated the hardship that marked my early years in Barcelona. As the Program Manager of the Self-Funded Communities Association now, I ambition to help migrants generate the assets they need to provide for themselves and live in dignity.