Dear friends of Hello Europe,

We hope you and your families are safe and well.

We are living through an unprecedented time. I'm sure we are all feeling similarly; fear of the unknown and unpredictability of the future, overwhelmed by the overnight impact this pandemic has had on economy, our work, our team, our family, friends and our communities and saddened by the loss of connections, jobs and lives. Many of us are also on the front line, seeing how the effects of this are hitting communities of migrants, refugees and minorities in Europe, who are in a more vulnerable position. 

As a community of entrepreneurs, we are all eager to do something about it, and know that our power for collective impact is great.

Over the coming weeks and months Hello Europe will host a series of Community Crisis Response Calls to assess how we are all doing, understand what the major challenges are, and to map the opportunities to start working together towards positive change in the face of adversity.

We have always been encouraged by the collective spirit and innovation in this community, and we need that now more than ever.

In addition to this if there is anything we can support you with, please reach out.

Standing with you all.

The Hello Europe Team.

Serena Mizzoni