Mariana Brilhante presented Speak, a project designed to help migrants overcome language barriers. Based on the exchange of languages and cultures, with the support of the government of Portugal, Speak implements a model of social franchising that is being scaled in other countries.

"Where some see a threat, we see an opportunity to change cities."

Guillaume Capelle explained the work dynamics of Singa, an incubator that was born in France. Through its platform, users can create valuable relationships and exchange ideas that can be transformed into ventures.

Gonzalo Fanjul, co-director of the PorCausa Foundation, highlighted the need for a "rational and inclusive" public conversation, built on empathy through journalism and different narratives.

María Minas and Diaby Abdourahamane presented ComParte, a social enterprise that is built on a paradigm shift. They promote the leadership capacities of migrants and refugees, as consultants or "pros", and make them agents in the creation of programmes that adapt to their experiences and needs.

From Migration Ventures (Upwardly Global), Camille Ramani said that work is the way people offer value to their communities, family and economies. She explained how their work focuses on removing barriers for highly qualified newcomers so that they can integrate into the workforce of the countries they reach.

Jean-Claude Rodríguez presented the Association of Self-Financed Communities (Aurora, ACAF)an initiative that pursues the financial inclusion of migrants where they can access services such as microcredit and capital to create their own ventures.

Vicente Zapata summed up the vision of Together In the Same Direction, a project whose axis of work is reception and social integration.

"Diversity enriches us and helps us to improve as a society"

David Lubell, the director of Welcoming Internationalstressed the importance of the solutions to the problems and the programmes being adapted to the context of each country.

"When cities understand that being welcoming is good for them, everyone will do it."- David Lubell

Welcoming International is an initiative that has more than 200 host communities in the US today.

Serena Mizzoni